Contact Us

Please let us know if you have an event to add to the calendar or a resource that may be helpful for folks. Please also let us know if you have any questions or concerns about any of the information I’ve included here. If you think something should be changed or removed, please do let us know. Thank you! <3


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Facemask Resources

 Thank you to @kimberlymjenkins and @laurenbfay for sharing the majority of these resources.

  • For healthcare workers requesting masks

  • For factories that can produce more than 10,000 masks/month

  • Template to make a mask

  • Buy a mask to donate to a hospital

  • Request masks as a healthcare worker

  • Sewing mask instructions

  • Register a healthcare facility in need

  • Send N95 masks to healthcare workers

  • Additional sewing pattern for producing masks at home.

  • Email if you have any sort of masks to donate.

  • They will follow up to pick up the masks from you and get them to hospitals

  • Seeding Sovereignty is an indigenous and womxn-led decolonizing collective based out of New Mexico

  • They are looking for clinical grade or 100% cotton cloth masks in a range of sizes for three communities in New Mexico with whom they are in kinship.